Hi guys! Been a while, right? 2018 was a rough year. I read a lot and worked a lot (I’m a professional baker now) and one of the things that fell by the wayside was my blog. The problem was that the average Cooking Up Romance post takes 20-40 hours of prep time and I
Imperial Stout Chocolate Cake
A few months ago, I finally tried Single Malt by Layla Reyne. It’s the first of the m/m Irish & Whiskey series. It came very highly recommended by literally everyone who read it, which immediately made me so suspicious that I put off picking it up for ages. Why am I like this? Except it
Married by Mistake! by Renee Roszel for TBR Challenge
This month’s TBR Challenge theme was Contemporary and I continued my tradition of reading a contemporary romance…from 20 years ago. Hey, it least it isn’t from 40 years ago! I’ve done that too! Married by Mistake! by Renee Roszel (in ebook! but I read a paperback) is a Harlequin Romance from 1998. It’s a fake
Old School Romance for #RomBkLove
Hello and welcome to #RomBkLove Day 11: Old School! My friend Ana Coqui is hosting a month of romance recommendations on her blog, Twitter and elsewhere and asked a number of other bloggers to take on topics that interest them and host a day during the month. In a move that should be unsurprising to
Entwined Destinies by Rosalind Welles for TBR Challenge
Entwined Destinies by Rosalind Welles is definitely the first category romance written by a black woman about a black couple, but it may even be the first romance written by a black woman about a black couple. Welles was a pen name for Elsie B. Washington, a journalist who wrote for Newsweek and also had
NECRWA Chapter Conference Hazelnut and Bourbon Chocolate Ganache Cookies
I’m soaking in the loveliness that has been the Northeast Corridor RWA chapter’s annual conference. I wanted to drop a quick post both to say that if you haven’t been to this conference, I highly, highly recommend it. It’s just the right size to meet authors and get some great books signed. Last night I
Bargain With the Devil by Jayne Castle
For my Backlist Glom for TBR Challenge, hosted by Wendy the Super Librarian, I picked out Bargain With the Devil by Jayne Castle. Castle, aka Amanda Quick, aka Jayne Ann Krentz is well-reprented on my TBR pile. Despite being a long-time romance reader, I had only picked up one Krentz title. See, she didn’t write highlanders,
Beyond Innocence by Kit Rocha Rebranded Cover Reveal and Giveaway
Hey guys! I’m so excited to host my very first (and let’s face it, possibly only) cover reveal on Cooking Up Romance for one of my very favorite books, Beyond Innocence by Kit Rocha. I reviewed this book back when it was released in 2015, pairing it with a truly decadent Bourbon-Sage Chicken Pot Pie
The Glamour Thieves by Don Allmon January 2018 #TBRChallenge
I took a little hiatus from TBR Challenge last year. An unintentional one since I did actually sign up in 2017. But then I decided I might try to write a book. Ha. Ha ha. Anyway I’m back now! And the first book of the TBR Challenge year was a great one. I picked up
#DecktheHarlequin Read-a-thon and Giveaway
It should be well established by now how much I love category romance. I have stacks and stacks of old Harlequin Presents and Harlequin Romance, stacks of new to new-ish Blazes and I’m crazy looking forward to the new Dare line debuting next month. So when a couple of romance reading friends suggested a little